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Hey There

We are committed to fostering a love of books in all children and young adults. Reading improves children's cognitive development, language skills, preparation for academic success, increased concentration and discipline, improved imagination and creativity. It also helps children to see the world from other people's point of view encouraging empathy and compassion

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All About Me

My name is Sarah and I got the idea for The Ginger Cat from my own children Ruby (13 years old), Delilah (11 years old), Clementine (7 years old), Poppy (6 years old) and Beatrix (4 years old). We love books in our family, whether reading to the small ones (my favourites are Peepo and Goodnight Moon) or to the older ones (my husband read the Harry Potter series to our older children), or encouraging them to read themselves as they develop their skills.


But why start a book subscription service? It is not always easy to find time to bring children to the bookshop or the library and shopping for books online can present its own problems....which books do I choose? Here at The Ginger Cat we spend time reading and selecting what we feel are the best/most interesting books for different ages and interests. These are then delivered to your door every month for as long as your subscription lasts. The excitement of waiting for the delivery and then the opening of the box (the beautiful book cover, that 'new book' smell) is often enough on it's own to spark a child's curiosity and foster that desire to read.


With five young children in the house, the phrase "I'm bored" is used almost as often as "I'm hungry". Whilst I don't think T.V. or a Playstation are the devil, there is only so much time children can/should spend looking at a screen. This is when, at the weekend or during the school holidays especially I pull out the 'project' card. Unfortunately, this can take time and effort to organise, often leads to more screen time for 'research' purposes and usually ends with a loss in interest soon after it began.


This is where the book subscription from The Ginger Cat comes in. As a former teacher with a BA (hons) in English and Education, each month I read many books and use my experience to select those that I think offer something interesting or inspiring and then match it with an activity that will enhance the child's experience reading the book.



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